Monday, February 25, 2008

Barack in Debates

This is an open letter to the two Davids, Plouffe and Axelrod that is! While those of us in the netroots are as enamored with not just his speeches, but his record and grasp on the issues facing the nation as anyone of you probably is, and in fact, if the Senator were to take a dump in any of our front yards, we would gladly frame it up and hang it as art (Don’t laugh Damien Hirst did just such “art”), we however are indeed the proverbial “choir” as far as preaching goes. But I digress. The point is many of us were already in his back pocket, certainly I was after hearing him at the DNC in 2004!

As such, this is to implore either of you or Michelle or all of you please to point out to the brilliant junior Senator from Illinois, that while we latte sippers of the netroots love it, no, abso-F’in-lutely adore it when he goes for the jugular with our worthy opponent, for example letting her know that she is “likeable enough”, or that some of his “speeches are quite good actually”, many of those voting in their respective primaries, may only ever be seeing him for the first time during the debates prior to those primaries. Many of these voters want and need to see a chivalrous, gentlemanly, sensitive Barack particularly when he is already ahead.

I have watched for a long time, the train wreck that I now consider the “team Billary” campaign to have become, even as they have flipped and flopped on their message as well as their attack tactics, that have mostly fallen flat. However, the one successful campaign upset, IMHO, in NH was IMO, one that the said campaign was handed quite innocently by the debate moderator, aided by the brilliance embodied that is Obama - in his seeming arrogance and indifference and lack of chivalry - to a wounded HRC in his “she is likeable enough comment”.

I have come to the conclusion that team “Billary” now aware that this is the one thing that has worked for them in the past, is now out to enrage BO as much as possible, hoping that “Dear Mama” Clinton will smile and flutter her eyelids in the debates, while an angry, attacking, aloof, Barack will ignore her or worse or better, depending on which camp you're in, will say something arrogant or condescending to the poor sweet losing-streak, broke-campaign, would-be-first-female POTUS, who is nothing but “honored, absolutely honored” to be sitting right there next to him.

Therefore, I implore all of you near him to please please, point out to him that he has to hold back his personal hurt feelings duriing debates and remember that this is a political campaign. I remember once getting an campaign email from Michelle Obama during the SC primary season, saying how “what we didn’t expect was Bill Clinton blah blah blah...” For the first time I rolled my eyes at something I had seen from your camp, thinking, “It’s a presidential race, what did you expect sweetie, pie and cookies saying welcome to the field from ‘team Billary’?” You have to be prepared for absolutely anything, including the most foul and unimaginable. If HRC’s “real” ‘Rovian’ tactics shock you, then, wait till the GOP that in fact has the real Rove, start coming for us in the months ahead through the fall!

The last thing that BO does that worries somewhat when before neutral audiences such as during debates is his constant pointer that he did or said such and such, and “I was right” The phrase, my dear good sir is “I did and said such and such, and the evidence is clear, or the facts support my stand, or even better, and the voters have to decide who is/was right! Yes, Obama is genius in my humble opinion, and yes, I do have his shrine right next to my soy-latte cappuccino maker that sits above my Birkenstock shoe rack, but then again you already had me in 2004, and you would have had me in 2002 if I had seen your speech or interviews re: the war back then. Indeed, you have run a brilliant campaign that has confounded even I, your 1000% supporter, and need no preaching from me. However, isn’t this as you say, our campaign; blogged, staffed, fueled, funded and yes indeed, “fired up!” by, “we the people”? As such, I feel that every little helps, and this is my attempt at one more piece of a contribution. You have called on me to believe not just in your abilities, but in mine too, and this is one more way that I am answering your call. And talking of funding, would you wrap this nomination thing up already, it’s eating away from my latte money!

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