Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Parisian Jail Saga Continues

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I said to watch this space, and indeed, there was yet more to report. I had wondered what creative ways they would come up with to treat Ms Hilton differently, i.e preferentially and guess what?! They did. A reduction by almost half of her sentence to a mere 23 days?! For good behavior?! Doesn’t one need to be already in jail in order to be judged on their behavior? Or does carrying a bible in clear view for the cameras count as good behavior? Miss Naomi Campbell take note!! A copy of the Bible and a Spiritual self-discovery type book and all will be hunky dory. If only someone had sent Mike Tyson that memo, damn, Mike, you would never have had to spend years in jail. What of O.J Simpson, maybe America would have even accepted your Not Guilty verdict…

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